In the beginning1952 : Due to a large influx of German immigrants, a German congregational group is formed as part of Trinity Lutheran Church, of the Missouri Synod, at Sherbourne and Bloor. Pastor Dr. W. Gögginger works there as the assistant pastor.
1953 - Theodor von Veh founds a new congregation with 4 acquaintances.
April 1, 1954 - Pastor Gögginger accepts a second pastoral call to this newly founded congregation and all institutions of the German congregation group of Trinity Church, apart from the trombone choir, follow him.
The organist is Fekko von Ompteda. Services are held in the Anglican church of St. George the Martyr.
February 13, 1955 - The church of St. George the Martyr burns down, and the German congregation is allowed to use the Anglican church of St. Stephen's in the Fields (College, corner of Bellevue).
March 1955 - Due to the size of the congregation, a new church is sought and found at College Street United Church (College, corner of Bathurst).
June 7, 1955 - St. George's congregation is admitted to the Eastern Canada Synod of the Lutheran Church in America
July 1, 1956 - The church is moved to 410 College Street, which is used jointly with an Apostolic Church.
November 1, 1956 - The German congregation purchases the church at 410 College Street for $70 000 plus $1000 for the contents.
December 2, 1956 - Festive opening service in the completely renovated church with solemn consecration on the first Sunday of Advent.
1957 - Repair of the church roof.
June 28, 1959 - Consecration of the new bell tower (the bell is a gift from Germany).
1959- Installation of the new heating system.
1963 - A new floor is installed in the church and the stage in the basement is renewed.
1964 - Ten-year anniversary of the congregation.
April 1, 1970 - Pastor Gögginger is called to Detroit, Michigan. Pastor Siegfried Otto takes over the pastoral ministry during the transition period.
1970 - In the summer, in order to be able to offer the newly appointed Pastor Knaack a residence, a parsonage at 6 Orchard Crescent, Etobicoke, is purchased for approximately $36,000.
August 1, 1970 - Pastor Joachim Knaack is inaugurated.
1971 - In April the last church mortgage is ceremonially burned.
1972 - The German Contact Circle is founded (together with the First Lutheran Church, Martin Luther Church, and Epiphany Church).
March-April, 1973 - Evangelization with Pastor Klaus Eickhoff from Germany.
April 21, 1974 - 20th anniversary of the congregation.
April 1, 1974 - Christian messages broadcast in German for the first time on CHIN-Radio, in which St. George's also participate.
November, 1974 - Monthly German-language services held in the Danish Church in Willowdale.
The congregation discusses an expansion or relocation of St. George's parish to the north of the city.
1975 - In memory of Pastor Gögginger's mother, a communion railing is installed in the chancel.
1975 - Vicar Reinhard Keding is sent to Toronto by the EKD foreign office and, together with his family, becomes a parishioner at St. George’s.
He works as a vicar in the congregation.
1975 - The first (and only) parish visitation campaign is held to raise money to pay off the rectory. A total of $ 13,000 is raised and the rectory is paid off.
1976 - A senior citizens' association is founded with some members of First Lutheran Church.
October 28,1980 - Celebration of the 10th anniversary of Pastor Knaack's ministry.
November 23, 1980 - The first two stained glass 'evangelist windows' in the chancel are inaugurated.
November 11, 1983 - Festive service commemorating the 500th birthday of Martin Luther.
April 4, 1984 - The 30th anniversary of St. George's is celebrated with the participation of Dr. Wolf & Erika Gögginger.
August 18, 1984 - The 25th anniversary of Pastor Knaack's ordination is celebrated with the participation of Bishop Dr. William Huras
1984 - From October 1 to January 1985, Pastor Knaack is also interim pastor at First Lutheran Church.
1984 - Since autumn, Elke Eble (through lessons with Jürgen Petrenko) becomes our organist, alternating with Fekko von Ompteda.
1985 - The Seniors' Association, under the direction of Mrs. Luise Rischanek, has about 108 members.
1987 - Membership around 300 to 400 families.
January 11, 1987 - A special congregational meeting is held to decide whether the rectory should be sold to Pastor Knaack at a reduced price. This sale is rejected by a large majority.
1987 - The budget estimate for the year 1987 amounts to $ 123,250.
1987 - Pastor Knaack receives a call from a church in Philadelphia and accepts it. He holds his last service at the end of June.
1987 - From August 1 to December 31, Dr. Wolf Gögginger is interim pastor.
October 18, 1987 - A special congregational meeting to vote on the call to Pastor Steinert and the associated sale of the rectory at 6 Orchard Crescent.
The congregation votes in favor by a large majority.
December 14, 1987 - Sale of the old parsonage for $335,000.
January 14, 1988 - Purchase of the new parsonage, 2089 Oakmead Blvd, Oakville (for $241,500)
January 31, 1988 - Installation service for Pastor Steinert with the participation of Bishop Dr. William Huras.
1989 - Air conditioning is installed in the nave.
1989 - 50th anniversary of ordination and the 78th birthday of Dr. Wolf Gögginger is celebrated in our church.
1991 - Mrs. Luise Rischanek, the long-time head of the senior citizens' association, retires at age 85.
1993 - Mr. Fekko von Ompteda, the organist for many years, passes away.
Summer,1994 - The summer picnic is held for the first time at Mrs. Ida Brandt's Knob Hill Farm.
October, 1994 - The 40th anniversary of the congregation is celebrated with the participation of Bishop Dr. William Huras.
1996 - Pastor Steinert turns 65, the board decides to extend his term of office by two years (1998 and 1999).
1998 - A new gas central heating stove is installed in the church.
A raccoon comes to the Christmas Eve service.
1999 - Dissolution of the burial fund, which has existed since 1953.
Pastor Steinert's term of office is extended for a further two years (2000 and 2001).
December 10, 1999
Thefounder of the congregation, Pastor Dr. Wolf Gögginger, passes away.
2000 - Church service in English is discontinued.
October 7, 2001 - Burglary of the church.
December 31, 2001 - Pastor Steinert retires.
January 1, 2002 - Pastor Katharina Möller becomes interim pastor.
January 6, 2002 - A time of fellowship is introduced - it is now possible to meet in the basement of the church after every service for coffee and cake.
February 3, 2002 - The Eastern Synod takes over the administration of the congregation and appoints an interim board (the reason for this is the inadequate preparation for the continued existence of the congregation after the retirement of Pastor Steinert)
2002 - St. George's becomes a member of the German Contact Circle and of DELKINA again. (German Church Interest Conference in North America)
May 2, 2002 - Special congregational meeting to vote on the sale of the parsonage at 2089 Oakmead Blvd.
June 21, 2002 - The parsonage is sold (for $330,000).
October 20, 2002 - Special congregational meeting to vote on the call to Pastor Möller.
December 1, 2002 - Installation service of Pastor Möller, with the participation of Pastor Günter Dahle (representative of the bishop).
2002 - The stair lift is installed.
February 2, 2003 - The administration of the congregation by the synod is abolished. The first congregational trip to St. Jacobs takes place. From then on there is a congregational outing almost every year.
2003 - The church council works theologically on the topic of communion and introduces individual cups as an alternative to the communal chalice.
2002-2004 - Extensive renovation of the church (interior and exterior).
April 2003 - Re-introduction of the English service (once a month). A new English hymnal is purchased ("With One Voice").
2003 - The land in Udora, obtained in Pastor Gögginger’s time, is sold for $29,900.
June 8, 2003 - Special meeting of the congregation to vote on the organ repair, painting work in the sanctuary and the further course of the English services.
May 16, 2004 - Fiftieth anniversary of the congregation with the participation of Bishop Michael Pryse.
September 2004 - The congregation has its own website:
Since 2005 - Every second year, church services are held for golden confirmations and other anniversaries of confirmation.
October 2005 - English services are held every Sunday. A bilingual service for the whole congregation is held on the second Sunday of each month. The first bilingual Bach cantata service under the direction of Helmut Rilling was held at Trinity United Church. The congregation of St. George's Church takes part. Pastor Katharina Möller leads the service together with her colleagues. (750 participants)
2006 - Second Bach cantata service.
2007 - The new English hymnal (ELW) is introduced. Introduction of sermon series during summer months.
2007 - Sunday School offered again for children during the English service.
2008 - Services and fellowship in the Swabian Club (Schwabenclub) begin. They are held for members from Scarborough who are no longer able to come to church. From then on, they are an integral part of the church's work.
November 2008 - An "Open Church Sunday" takes place. - Invitations are sent to all households in our area.
May 2012 - St. George's Church takes part in "Doors Open Toronto". More than 350 people visit the church during this Pentecost weekend.
Dec. 2012 - The Christus-Kirche in Gauting, Bavaria donates 70 German hymnals to St. George's Church. The new EG's are introduced on the first Sunday of Advent 2012.
July 1, 2012 - Two joint services are held at First Lutheran and St. George’s during the summer. This becomes a tradition in following years.
Summer 2014 - There is only one service on summer Sundays and adapted to the language of the majority of visitors.
Our member Christiane Ullmann paints three pictures inspired by a sermon series on trees and Bible words. They are hung on the right altar wall.
June 2015 - First church picnic together with Christ the King - Dietrich Bonhoeffer congregation on their property in Thornhill.
2015 - Pastor Möller attends the ELCIC National Assembly in Edmonton as a delegate. Pastor Möller takes part in the first meeting of the "Kensington Faith Leaders".
October 2016 - Vice President of DELKINA, Pastor Kerstin Weidmann, visits us from the German-English St. Matthew's congregation in San Francisco, CA. She preaches in our church service and dresses up as Katharina von Bora, the wife of Martin Luther, and talks about the time of the Reformation.
2017 - Congregational trip to Peterborough. Summer sermon series on Martin Luther and 500th anniverary of the Reformation.The damp wall in the kitchen is dried out and the kitchen is renovated. The children's room is renovated.The DELKINA conference takes place in Niagara and Toronto. A Bach cantata concert commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation is organized by the "Theatre of Early Music" at our church.
2018 - The 2nd Bach Cantata Concert takes place at our church.The Jewish Makom Synagogue uses our church to show the documentary film “Spadina”. Pastor Möller welcomes the guests and says a prayer for the victims of a terrorist attack in Toronto.
2019 - The church's furnace breaks down and several services are held in the cold (Jan/Feb). A new heating system is installed and made possible by generous donations.The congregation creates an Instagram account:
The website is revised:
2019 - 23 scouts from Germany spend the night in our church. Schubert's
"Winterreise" is performed in the church. The church council works with the CLWR and a group of Jewish women to bring a refugee family to Canada. PAR-Pre-Authorized Remittance is introduced.
March 22, 2020 - Due to COVID-19 church services are not able to be held inside the church.
March 29, 2020 - First YouTube service aired. YouTube services become available every Sunday in German and English thanks to Pastor Möller and Constantin Möller.
2020 - Many members and friends of the congregation from all over the world take part as readers in the service or in the musical arrangements. Congregationmembers who do not have a computer receive letters with devotions. All members of the congregation are called. The congregation receives money from the Federal Foreign Office in Germany which allows for 70 gift bags to be given to elderly people living alone. Small-group services are held outdoors, in parks and gardens. In-person church services take place as soon as it is possible and permitted.Our organist of many years, Elke Eble, moves to Cobourg, ON and ends her long tenure at St. George’s.
December 2020 - During Advent, we hold additional services on Wednesdays due to a rule that only 10 persons may attend a service during Covid time.
There is a gift campaign by families for more than 20 congregation members in senior’s homes.
2021 - Due to Covid, the annual meeting does not take place until September. At the end of the year, services in the Swabian Club resume and the Georgenkreis begins to meet again.
2022 - An updated constitution of St. George's is confirmed by the Eastern Synod and comes into force. Our member Karin Schemeit begins training as a lay preacher with the EKD in Germany. An anonymous donor of the congregation pays for the entire roof repair! (around $ 100,000). The ladies' restroom is renovated, and the meeting room is painted. A building fund is set up to help pay for the repair work needed on the church building.
November, 2022 - A musical service is held to mark the 350th anniversary of the death of Heinrich Schütz. The liturgy from his time is integrated into the service and the Schola Cantorum Vocal Ensemble from U of T sings 2 Schütz motets.
December, 2022 - The congregation celebrates Pastor Möller’s 20th anniversary at St. George’s in the service and a get-together afterwards. This service was the first service to be live streamed.
2023 - The refugee family; Sophie, Hassan, and Deeyan, arrive in Toronto. Karin Schemeit is blessed for her ministry as a lay preacher. She holds occasional services in our congregation, as well as in some of the other German congregations from time to time.
The first confirmation group after Covid is confirmed at Pentecost (6 young people).
The water damage in the church hall and office is repaired and everything is repainted.
An"Anti-hate and Security Grant" was given by the Canadian government and security cameras installed.
2024 - Another "Anti-hate and Security Grant" was used for a new fence around the church. The Canadian Baltic Society donates money for the church hall. New lights were installed and the floor repaired and painted. The senior’s room was renovated thanks to money given by the funds of the Moll Berczy Haus (German retirement home in Toronto). Michael Ogrodnik donates his time and talents to artistically paint the bell tower and parking side door. A music team has developed over the last few years comprising of Constantin Möller, Daniel de Goutière, Stephen Harmelink, and Mary Gerritsma.They take turns each week accompanying the hymns.
May 26, 2024 - The 70th anniversary of St. George’s congregation is celebrated with joy and thanksgiving!